
Group: DynoMotion Message: 14713 From: Moray Cuthill Date: 5/9/2017
Subject: Servo spindle setup

now I've finally got the new servo fitted to my mill spindle and running via KMotion, I now need to sort out the required C programs to run it via KMotionCNC.

Am I correct in thinking that by using the SpindleUsingJogs examples as a basis, I can use a single file for setting the jog, instead of separate CW/CCW files, as I won't need to set bits and flip the jog direction depending on M3/M4?

I just need to enable the servo (I'm thinking use EnableAxis/DisableAxis and also control the servo drive enable output depending on axis state), and set the jog, which should just be a straight multiplication with the speed factor regardless of direction.

Given my last spindle involved flipping bits for direction, and a PWM output via a couple Konnect outputs, I can't help think a servo spindle is far too simple to setup and I'm missing something..


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